Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Final Reveal

Uncle Ryan and GrandBob are so very happy that they are finished remodeling Grandma's kitchen. And just in time, for all the Christmas festivities and cookie making.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Peck could see from the chicken house through the kitchen window that grandma's kitchen was a different color. He wanted to come and see what was happening. Auntie Katie showed Peck the new color and he liked it a lot. Looks like Uncle Eric likes the paint a lot too.

Grandma had a painting party this morning after shopping the after Thanksgiving sales! Uncle Ryan, Uncle Eric and Auntie Katie started painting and finished the job very fast, grandma was surprised by that!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grandma gets water in her new kitchen

Peck heard all the excitement in the house and wanted to come and see what was going on. Peck loves grandma's new cabinets and granite counters but he was most excited to get a drink of water from the new faucet!

Zoey wanted to help Uncle Ryan attach all the pipes so grandma could get water in her new kitchen. Her tail wags too hard and knocks uncle Ryan's tools out of his hand. Go lay down zoey!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peck visits Mr Fix it

Peck called grandma today because he saw some men in grandma's kitchen that were pounding the walls and making a lot of noise. Peck wanted to see what they were doing. Mr Fix it and his helper put some new cabinets in grandma's kitchen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Zoey Finds the Egg

Grandma left an egg laying around in her boxes of food. Guess who found it? yes, you're right, Zoey found it! Zoey can smell an egg from far away and grandma thinks Zoey keeps an eye on her when she comes in the house after gathering the eggs from the chicken nests and watches where she lays them down.

Texture arrives!

The kitchen window looks good now that the walls have been textured.

The texture guy spent 4-1/2 hours taping and putting up plastic before he sprayed the texture all over the back of the house.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hard workers at Grandma's House

GrandBob and Uncle Ryan started to put shelves in grandma's pantry! Yippee, no more digging in boxes or crawling under tables to find where the food is at Grandma's house. Zoey always seems to know where the food is, so grandma has to follow her around if she is missing some food. Zoey has become a food thief at grandma's house. Her favorite food to steal is chicken eggs. She very quietly and very gently takes the egg off the table and then she sneaks into another room and cracks the egg and then slurps out the insides and leaves the shells all around the house. Zoey also like to take coffee grounds out of the garbage and smell them but I don't think she wants me to make her a cup of coffee.

Uncle Ryan and GrandBob worked hard on grandma's kitchen today. They had to do more demo, grandma doesn't have a floor anymore in front of her front door!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Auntie Katie and Uncle Eric visit Grandma

Auntie Katie chisels out the subflooring in grandma's kitchen

Uncle Ryan and Eric and Auntie Katie are putting up drywall and taking out subfloors. They are working very hard in grandma's kitchen. Don't fall of the ladder Uncle Ryan. Watch out Uncle Eric, he is hitting his head on the new drywall.

Grandma has a new kitchen on her porch. She is trying to cook dinner on the campstove. Maybe next time Jack and Maddie visit they can sleep in a tent in grandma's back yard!

Peck and Bubbles saw that auntie Katie and Uncle Eric were helping with grandma's remodel. They asked if they could say hi and see grandma's new camping kitchen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bubbles visits Grandma's remodel

Bubbles told grandma she wanted to come in the house, just like Peck. She was a little bit jealous of Peck because he keeps visiting Uncle Ryan and seeing what Uncle Ryand GrandBob are doing to grandma's kitchen. Bubbles wanted to see the hole in the ceiling, she was a little scared, she didn't know where the hole went. Bubbles decided she wanted to go back to her chicken house and eat food with her friends.
Where is Uncle Ryan? He made a big hole in grandma's ceiling and is seeing if any mice or rats are living in the ceiling. No worries, nothing is in the ceiling except insulation and duct work. Uncle Ryan and GrandBob put a lot of holes in grandma's ceiling and then put a lot of wires in the ceiling. But guess what, they also put in lightbulbs and now Grandma has lots of wonderful new lights in her ceiling.
Peck called grandma and told her he wanted to come and visit Uncle Ryan and see all the holes that Bubbles told him about. Uncle Ryan showed Peck how to patch the holes in the wall and Peck got to help just a little bit. He can't help too much because he is a baby chicken, he is only 2 months old.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Peck visits Grandma's remodel

Peck decided he wanted to come in the house and see what all the noise and banging was all about. Uncle Ryan shows peck the new food pantry he is building. Peck was very interested in all the colorful wires hanging in the wall and wanted to know what they were for.
GrandBob was busy hammering nails and didn't want to show Peck was he was doing. Bubbles was hanging out with her girlfriends eating chicken food in her chicken house. She says hi to Maddie.

Monday, August 23, 2010

GrandBob and Uncle Ryan build a closet

Before GrandBob and Uncle Ryan build grandma a new kitchen they have to perform demolition on her old kitchen. They knocked out the ceiling in her kitchen. You can see the stuffing in the ceiling and Uncle Ryan found two dead mice, oh no!
Uncle Ryan has an idea and he draws a picture for GrandBob showing him how to build the closet under grandma's stairs

GrandBob has his own idea of how to build the closet and he draws a picture for Uncle Ryan to show him what he thinks is a good idea. GrandBob and Uncle Ryan love to work together and build things for grandma.
Jack and Maddie - did you know that GrandBob and Uncle Ryan build the chicken house for grandma? yes, they did!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jack takes Peck for a walk around the chicken pen.

Jack and Maddie Visit Peck and Bubbles

Maddie is pointing at Bubbles, Maddie wants to touch Bubbles on the head. Is Maddie scared of Bubbles? no I don't think so, Bubbles is a nice chicken, she won't peck Maddie.
Peck flew up the roost to hang out with her chicken friends, can Jack reach Peck? No, but Peck loves Jack so she flew down to the ground. Peck lets Jack carry her around the chicken pen, she can't come out of the chicken pen because she is a baby chicken and doesn't know how to get home if she gets lost.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Peck and Bubbles Escape!

Grandma has a chicken that Uncle Ryan has named Demon Chicken. Demon chicken is very mean and pecks the other chickens, steals their food and does not like to be held. Demon chicken's family is originally from Egypt and it is obvious egyptian chickens are very smart and clever and learned to run very fast to escape their enemies. However, Uncle Ryan is smarter than a chicken and caught Demon Chicken and is teaching it how to be a PET chicken.

Peck and Bubbles figured out a way to escape from their chicken house! Oh no! Bubbles sneaked into the neighbors yard and hid under the bushes. Grandma was not able to catch Bubbles. Uncle Ryan came over and chased Bubbles around and around the trees and shrubs and finally just as Bubbles was trying to fly away Uncle Ryan her! Good work Uncle Ryan.
Peck loves to be held but Peck also loves to run away and hide. When grandma came home from grocery shopping and checked on her chickens Peck had escaped and was hiding in her garden eating fresh tomatoes. Peck decided she had enough tomatoes to eat and wanted to go back into her chicken house so she ran over to grandma and jumped on her feet and wanted grandma to pick her up.

Silly chickens

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ducky and Peck hide together

Peck and Bubbles are looking at you. Hi Jack, Hi Maddie! Uncle Ryan is holding them very carefully so we could take a picture of them.

Ducky and Peck hide in the corner of the baby chick pen. They are best friends, Can you see Bubbles hiding with the triplets?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Baby chickens are a week old

Baby Peck and Baby Bubbles are a week old. A week is 7 days. How old is jack and Maddie? Jack is 3 years old and Maddie is 1-1/2 years old. Who is older? Jack, Maddie, Peck or Bubbles?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Baby chicks!

Six baby chicks arrived at the Smiley Farm. Jack and Maddie get to have a pet chicken at Grandma's house, don't forget to name your chick!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fun Times at Grandparents house

GrandBob and Jack take a ride on the horsey carousel ride

Jack practices being a big brother and pulling the Maddie wagon with Maddie and the bunnies for Auntie Katie's wedding.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Helpers on the Smiley Farm

What is grandpa and Jack doing? Are they hiding? No, I think Jack is helping grandpa pull the weeds and Maddie is supervising them so they know what are weeds and what are the flowers.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Zoey likes to sit with Jack and Maddie and wrestle with Jack.

Where is Jack and Maddie?

Zoey is looking for Jack and Maddie, she misses playing with them.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jack and Maddie help Grandma

Jack and Maddie help Grandma plant her tomatoes. They are very good helpers. Jack waters the garden and Maddie helps dig the dirt around so the seeds can grow.
Maddie is learning to pet Zoey. She is being very gentle with Zoey.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jack and Maddie visit with Zoey and Uncle Ryan

Uncle Ryan builds a fort with Jack. Where did Jack go? Zoey is looking for Jack in the fort, I think Jack is hiding because Zoey is trying to nibble his fingers.
Uncle Ryan loves to playing tinkertoys with Zoey, Jack and Maddie. Jack is thinking about a new truck he is going to build with Uncle Ryan. Maddie built a big machine with her tinkertoys.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

How the hive gets established

Watch GrandBob and Uncle Ryan hive the new bee colony in their new home on our back hill

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bee Day at Smiley Farm

GrandBob and Uncle Ryan pour 10,000 bees into their new hive behind the chicken house. GrandBob and Uncle Ryan are very brave because the worker bees are very angry because Uncle Ryan is shaking their box.

Uncle Ryan finds the Queen Bee in the bee box and all the nursery bees are attached to the queen because they are supposed to pet her and feed her.