Thursday, October 28, 2010

Peck visits Mr Fix it

Peck called grandma today because he saw some men in grandma's kitchen that were pounding the walls and making a lot of noise. Peck wanted to see what they were doing. Mr Fix it and his helper put some new cabinets in grandma's kitchen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Zoey Finds the Egg

Grandma left an egg laying around in her boxes of food. Guess who found it? yes, you're right, Zoey found it! Zoey can smell an egg from far away and grandma thinks Zoey keeps an eye on her when she comes in the house after gathering the eggs from the chicken nests and watches where she lays them down.

Texture arrives!

The kitchen window looks good now that the walls have been textured.

The texture guy spent 4-1/2 hours taping and putting up plastic before he sprayed the texture all over the back of the house.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hard workers at Grandma's House

GrandBob and Uncle Ryan started to put shelves in grandma's pantry! Yippee, no more digging in boxes or crawling under tables to find where the food is at Grandma's house. Zoey always seems to know where the food is, so grandma has to follow her around if she is missing some food. Zoey has become a food thief at grandma's house. Her favorite food to steal is chicken eggs. She very quietly and very gently takes the egg off the table and then she sneaks into another room and cracks the egg and then slurps out the insides and leaves the shells all around the house. Zoey also like to take coffee grounds out of the garbage and smell them but I don't think she wants me to make her a cup of coffee.

Uncle Ryan and GrandBob worked hard on grandma's kitchen today. They had to do more demo, grandma doesn't have a floor anymore in front of her front door!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Auntie Katie and Uncle Eric visit Grandma

Auntie Katie chisels out the subflooring in grandma's kitchen

Uncle Ryan and Eric and Auntie Katie are putting up drywall and taking out subfloors. They are working very hard in grandma's kitchen. Don't fall of the ladder Uncle Ryan. Watch out Uncle Eric, he is hitting his head on the new drywall.

Grandma has a new kitchen on her porch. She is trying to cook dinner on the campstove. Maybe next time Jack and Maddie visit they can sleep in a tent in grandma's back yard!

Peck and Bubbles saw that auntie Katie and Uncle Eric were helping with grandma's remodel. They asked if they could say hi and see grandma's new camping kitchen.