Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Bee Saga Continues

Well last week a friend of ours gave us a garbage can full of bees. Lucky for us Eric and Katie were visiting because Eric likes bees!  Eric helped GrandBob to open up a garbage can. Quite the excitement, as millions of bees poured out of the can and then flew around our yard quite confusedly. There was a lot of honeycomb in the can but not really too much honey. Eric was pretty lucky because he only got stung one time, a bee snuck up his pants.

 This morning I was up on the hill checking the bees and I noticed that bees were pouring out like liquid from their hive and congregating in front of it. They were flying around in a pretty distinct pattern, which I recognized as a swarm getting ready to fly off. I told GrandBob, but there was nothing we could do to stop our bees from leaving their hive. Luckily we spotted them congregating in a tree behind our fence. We'll keep checking on them to see what they're doing.

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